Monday, 27 February 2017

"Amphetamine", Thomas Price, Simon Tam (2010) -- Part 2

Notorious Chinese director Scud packs his movies full of male nudity and luckily he's quite a big fan of getting his supple cast into as many shower scenes as possible. Now, if someone could get me a BluRay quality source for City Without Baseball...

Friday, 24 February 2017

๐ŸŒŸ SHOWER ALL-STARS ๐ŸŒŸ : "Amphetamine", Thomas Price, Byron Pang (2010)

Note to all directors everywhere: THIS IS HOW YOU LIGHT A SHOWER SCENE.

Amphetamine (2010) (part 1).m4v | 34.6 mb

๐ŸŒŸ Shower All-Stars ๐ŸŒŸ  is an esteemed category that collects the best male shower scenes in all existence. Criteria considered: length of scene, clear lighting, male-to-male body contact, amount of skin exposure, and overall quality of nudity.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

"Number One", Charlton Heston (1969)

Mmm, sports movies. We get a nice plump rear courtesy of a beefy extra. Charlton looks great but he's considerably more bashful (we do get to see a bit of side rear courtesy of his open towel). If anyone has a non-dubbed source, feel free to share!

Saturday, 18 February 2017

"Jump Boys", Davy Russell (2004)

For a relatively innocuous documentary about racing jockies, I sure wasn't expecting to see the cameras follow them into the showers! While Davy Russell's frontal is unfortunately censored we do get to see his delicious butt, plus the butt of another jockey showering across from him. There's also a fleeting glimpse of side-peen the editors apparently didn't catch.

This scenario pushes a lot of buttons for me - Davy casually standing stark nude, on his cell phone, in front of a camera crew. Hot! Does anyone know if this was ever released with the complete frontal?

Seriously, WHERE is the uncensored footage of this??